Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year

happy new year guys
hope to see u ppl in school soon!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

oh man

merry christmas everyone!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

attn: celia

cecelia.. that looks familiar

Thursday, December 14, 2006

To See a World in a Grain of Sand

It was okay when
they say they wanna put apart the differences
but they din wanna part with their polo t-shirt
cos its mass produced

It was okay when
they asked their juniors to spy on us
check on us, track us,
and report our activites to them

It was okay when
they suggested we were taking long breaks
and 2 male senior SP rovers were eating
12 december, 9 to 10pm at POPEYE restaurant

It was okay when
they say they are more serious in their work
when they are getting 2 SEAL points per duty/day
we get 5 points for 6 months - and we try our very best

It was okay when
some CSOs and SP Rovers try to boss us around
and make life difficult for us
cos we are there to serve the tourist, not them

It was okay when
we come for duty when we were having exam week, project deadlines
during public/school holidays and during TP RAWKS
'cos for passion - we were there

It is all okay
if you choose to see a world in a grain of sand
and a heaven in a wild flower
hold infinity in the palm of your hand - and eternity in an hour

$1.30: A POKKA Green Tea
$2.80: A chicken chop at BUS PARK
$6: An upsized meal at McDonalds'
2 SEAL points per duty/day + $10: An SP-CYA
A warm, friendly, passionate, intelligent, compassionate, responsive TP-CYA: priceless!

Merry Christmas
and all the best to you guys having mid-sem test this week!

the Wednesday crew
Perlin, Tiffany, Fiona, Hui Zhen, See Jin
Benedict, Hong Wen, Ming

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Basketball, Captain's Ball, Street Soccer
8-12th Jan 2007
Register outside LT 18
close on Friday 8 Dec (tomolo)

or contact via email

cepat cepat!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


i nearly got knocked down by a car AGAIN outside IT School
thats it man.. i'm gonna complain the fat bastard Road Marshal!

Monday, December 04, 2006

OTC 2006

Orientation Training Camp 2006
Selected Name List HTM 08

1) Chen Guan Zuo
2) Gui Guo Chang
3) Farhan J
4) Leong Ming En
5) Jean Tan


Friday, December 01, 2006

CDS selection

so long tis blog is so 'quiet' liao..
so i assume we can post anytin n evrytin here..
i noe u guys will noe tis alreadi but can let u noe again..
CDS selection for our junior year(2.1) will begin on the 29Dec, tym is 10am
deadline is 8Jan, 5pm..
hAben tot wat ta take for the 3rd CDS, can start tinkin..
hope mayb sum of us can get into the same class.. =)smiles..


Monday, November 27, 2006


simin is eating snacks and surfing porn in lab 7 now

Friday, November 24, 2006


8 WONDERS - Mark Advent

audi 1 filled

this talk by Mr Mark Advent, 8 Wonders
if u read the newspaper, he's one of those 3 bidding for Sentosa IR
the other two: Genting and Universal

shiqin, cat and meizhu
juz woke up from the boring talk

Mark talks about the very amazing things that will appear in Harry's Island, Sentosa
The roller coaster rides, the branded shops, marine world, mammal hospitals
security by mayor of new york city.. etc

the hotel rooms are really a spectacle.
if they win, sentosa's going through a revamp!
he calls the new world - Harry's Island

he built these stone structure around so it looks like everything's inside the volcano
kinda thing. and there's this huge waterfall
there's a VERY high chance he may win the bid, i feel

in the middle of the waterfall, there's this theatre kinda thang
pretty neat
and they'll be preserving all the tree that surrounds Harry's Island

results will be out in december
and building will start till 2010
so probably next year we'll be disturbed by those drilling when studying in TAS

i'm really impressed with all these billion dollar project
but why is it coming from an ang mo?
shouldn't it be a singaporean?
in this way, singaporeans could never be part of the top management
and if i were to work there, my kids will be eating western food for the next 30 years

a lot of ppl are awed by this project
but i'm worried, very worried
because i see it as a modern day colonisation

CYA Recommendation of the week:
Fish & Chips at T2 Staff Canteen
very crispy batter on big chunks of fish
however the fish falls apart easily
and my folks complained that the pepper taste is too strong
but i personally enjoyed it

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Good Man Shen

don't you just love him?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

comm skills 2

hello guys
i'm having my 8am coffee at bus park
and i saw kumaran

she say if u all have problem with CS2 can go ask her
and she said yue shan is a very nice guy
he is a grandfather and makes nice food
she tell us to be nice to him

and i dun think they are dating
have a good day


Saturday, November 11, 2006

weird aura

there's this weird photo of mine found at business school entrance
i 've this strange aura around my beautiful head in the photograph
perhaps i'm gonna die soon

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Moon Mountain

Comm Skills 03/11/06

da jie, 5 min after lesson start already started packing
evelyn, a competitive girl 100% concentration
esther, @$#%@$ moon mountain ^#%&^

ah pang, distracted
sherlyn, trying to keep awake
hui hui, eyes closed liao
xiao chen, ????????

guanzuo, decides to read his CYA notes instead
syah, @@!#%$^%&
bernard, knocked out

farhan, dreaming: i am a shinigami!

ming, dreams "take over the pekopon-jin"
zoo, dreams "taju kagebunshin no jutsu"
celia + pam "monchichi monchichi.."

Friday, November 03, 2006

halloween day

tada.. betrayal at house on the hill board game
6 characters in a haunted house.. suddenly..

guanzuo becomes the traitor, mad scientist and tries to kill everyone
but he is taking too damn long to decide his moves

happy halloween!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

special video for evelyn

Friday, October 27, 2006

Temasek Poly Photo Collage

i made this photo collage
try looking for your faces inside


Sunday, October 22, 2006


hey everybody
my illustrations are published on the november issue of

page 48-51

4 pages of fun filled activities
its out now at all major magazine sellers

Saturday, October 21, 2006

CYA ppl attention

monday 23rd october
5pm at LT22
quah siok sim wanna talk to us

Friday, October 20, 2006


congratulations class
lily wong is our macro econs tutor

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

new videos

yo da jia...
i got new videos
be sure to check it out!

Friday, October 06, 2006

JJ Lin spotted!

found this photo in my disgustingpeople stash
nothing disgusting about it though..

see the girl in black and purple stripes playing the IGS music game
she looks identical to JJ Lin Jun Jie
yes, the local singer and she damn good at the music game
so i suspect she is JJ himself
crossdressed to avoid suspicion

this is bugis junction basement arcade

more at

Monday, September 25, 2006


a funny email i got from guochang yesterday..


A store that sells husbands has just opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband.

Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates.

You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!

There are six floors and the attributes of the men increas! e as the shopper ascends the flights.

There is, however, a may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband...

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1: These men have jobs and love the Lord.

The second floor sign reads:

Floor 2: These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3: These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids and are extremely good looking.

"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:

Floor 4: These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework.

"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:

Floor 5: These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop-dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 6: You a! re visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!

** Please send this to all men for a good laugh and to all the women who can handle the truth!

REMEMBER: Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.
You have to learn to be grateful for what you have to get more. When you are ungrateful you end up with nothing.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

marry ming

hahah.. this is crazy
some 13 year old girl sent me this message on youtube
click to enlarge

Subject: Will you marry me?!
Message: OMG I love you I want to go to Singapore. Your videos always make me laugh. Keep it up!

IMF/WB Video

Video for IMF WB at Suntec Singapore

Monday, September 18, 2006

terry fox run video

terry fox run video -


Friday, September 15, 2006


guess who's the biggest fan of jonathan leong?

seen this on the protesting CSOs today at IMF?
i've got one!
they are so respectable!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

remember the days

remembering evelyn's birthday

Friday, September 08, 2006


Thursday, September 07, 2006

1. Examination Matters
Release of Main Exam Results

Date: 14 Sep 06 (Thur)

Appeal for Review of Main Examination Answer ScriptsApplication Period:
14 Sep to 20 Sep 06
Forms: Available at OSC during Office hours

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


this news saddens me
cos my family enjoys watching the Crocodile Hunter on Central..

Irwin pulled barb out of chest before death By Paul Tait

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Fatally injured "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin pulled a stingray's serrated barb from his chest before he lost consciousness and died, his manager said on Tuesday as fans worldwide mourned the exuberant naturalist.

Hundreds of fans placed flowers outside his Australia Zoo in Queensland state and wrote messages on khaki shirts, part of his trademark uniform, as Irwin's body was flown home after Monday's freak diving accident off Australia's northeast coast.

Officials offered Irwin's grieving family a state funeral while news of his death on the Great Barrier Reef clogged Internet news sites and ground some Web sites to a halt.

Police have been handed footage taken as Irwin, 44, filmed what was to be his last documentary. It shows him swimming above a stingray when it lashed out and speared him in the heart with its barbed tail, manager John Stainton told reporters.

"He pulled it out and the next minute he's gone," he said.

"The cameraman had to shut down. It's a very hard thing to watch because you're actually witnessing somebody die ... it's terrible," Stainton said.

Police said it appeared Irwin was just watching the ray.

"There is no evidence that Mr Irwin was intimidating or threatening the stingray," Queensland police spokesman Mike Keating told reporters.

Marine experts say stingrays can deliver horrific, agonizing injuries from the toxin-laden barbs, which can measure up to 20 cm (8 in) in length and cause injuries like a knife or bayonet.

"It's not the going in that causes the damage, it's the coming out where those deep serrations kind of pull on the flesh, and you end up with a very jagged tear which is quite a pronounced injury," said Dr Bryan Fry, deputy director of the Australian Venom Research Unit.


Australian Prime Minister John Howard interrupted parliament on Tuesday to pay tribute.

"He was a genuine, one-off, remarkable Australian individual and I am distressed at his death," Howard told parliament.

"We mourn his loss, we're devastated by the tragic circumstances in which he has been taken from us and we send our love and prayers to his grieving family," he said.

Film star Russell Crowe praised Irwin as the "ultimate wildlife warrior."

Irwin's zoo kept its gates open Tuesday despite his death.

"He would have been kicking our butts if we decided to close the zoo. It's a great chance for people to go in and see his crocodiles, see what he loved," zoo worker Louise Martin said.

Environmental documentary maker Ben Cropp said Irwin was swimming alongside a bull stingray, probably weighing around 100 kg (220 lb).

Stingrays are normally placid and only attack in self-defense. But Irwin's cameraman was filming in front of it and it probably became frightened and lashed out.

Stainton said the cameraman only became aware of the attack when he noticed Irwin bleeding.

Millions had seen Irwin flirt with death many times as he stalked and played with crocodiles, sharks, snakes and spiders. Stainton said he was struggling to come to terms with the fact that a stingray had killed his friend.

"He just seemed to have a charmed life," Stainton said.

Known for his catchphrase "Crikey" during close encounters with animals, Irwin made almost 50 documentaries which appeared on the cable TV channel Animal Planet.

U.S.-based television company Discovery Communications, which produces Animal Planet, said it would set up a conservation fund in honor of Irwin. It said the footage of Irwin's fatal dive might never be broadcast.

Irwin's documentaries attracted a global audience of some 200 million people, many of them in the United States, and fans from Guam to Glasgow jammed Web sites and news blogs. Many asked how they were to explain Irwin's death to their children.

"Why did it have to be Steve Irwin," 11-year-old Daniel told Australian Associated Press.

FOX - Steve Irwin Death
National News Nine - Steve Irwin Death

Monday, September 04, 2006


ok! I'm finally back in action after a stupid flu infection which i caught during the exam period.. argggh... but anyway I'm here to inform you about our chalet
EVERYONE please spread the message around.. esp to the others.. I'm not to sure how many ppl read the class blog during holiday periods

Okz! So here's the deal

We'll be having a chalet at aloha loyang, from 5 - 7 October (thurs - Firday) TENTATIVELY The dates are like tat.. if you guys are ok? I NEED RESPONSES please!!!
Going or not please sms pei si, whether you are staying or juz going for bbq also please inform pei si.. Because I'II be out of town the next few days.

Also, do send in ur responses by this sunday ok? We need to book and all that...


Saturday, September 02, 2006


some people say women are not to be trifled with ....this is a prove. What goes around comes around =D

Friday, September 01, 2006


bon vovage jean and esther
enjoy ur holidays
come back safely

and shiqin.. well probably off to thailand or msia again
bon voyage too

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


here are some pointers:
PAM - got stretch factor, but not quite there yet
IVY - u are juz covering ur ear
JEAN - u are juz holding ur head
CELIA - u are advertising for medicated oil

how to learn:
put a stocking over ur head and pull it
remember how u look like in the mirror
practise every night before u sleep

make the final dash, guys!
RHT ---- PUI!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Outside 6-46, on the notice board.
Good Luck!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Pluto loses planet status
Posted Aug 24, 2006 at 08:30AM by Kyle M. Listed in: News, Astronomy Tags: Pluto, Neptune, The Eight, BBC, IAU, Prague
For many people it was inevitable, but we still didn't think it would have it has. 2,500 astronomers who met in Prague for the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) general assembly have demoted Pluto's planet status. Who would have thought that in your science lessons that in the future our solar system would have less planets?Rather than vote that our solar system contained 12 planets (including the discovery of 2003 UB313 by Professor Mike Brown), the IAU voted that Pluto should be demoted and that our solar system contains 8 planets. "The eight planets are Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune," said the IAU resolution, which was passed following a week of intense debate. Pluto has been considered a planet since its discovery in 1930 by the American Clyde Tombaugh, but now it appears that Pluto will have to be ripped out from school textbooks after the IAU resolution. In remembrance of the planet Pluto, here are a few facts that BBC News put together:
Named after the underworld god
Average Sun distance: 5.9bn km
Orbits Sun every 248 years
Has at least three moons
Rotates every 6.8 days
Gravity about 6% of Earth's
Surface temperature -233C
NASA probe visits in 2015

taken from

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Now i found a SiMin lookalike.
Simin is she your sister or something?


gone too soon..

first formal

and the first time we wore formal to school
and GZ din
he was so pissed with himself he threw all the cue cards on the floor

The BANQUETS we had together... and the birthdays
we celebrated......

Rmb e girl by the name of Aveline...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

week zero

remember the days..

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

intro HT grades

0604487I D+
0608132G C+
0608568B C
0607995H A
0604509J C+
0604717I C+
0606418B B
0605376C C+
0604433C C+
0604248E B
0606578C C+
0606192C C
0605419A C+
0607685E B
0607305J C+
0607696B B+
0605410J C+
0606337D B+
0611086J C
0605783J C+
0606854H C+
0606098B B
0607628E A

Monday, August 21, 2006

CAAS Interview Schedule

CAAS Interview Schedule
Date: Wednesday, 23rd August 2006
Venue: BS26-6-52,53 & 55 (Please gather at sofa area)

Teo Pei Shi 0606854H
Leong Ming En 0604433C
12.15pm (same group as h10 jacqueline)
Chen Guanzou 06044871I
Chen Mei Zhu 0608132G
Lim Sze Ching Celia 0606578C


Paranormal Investigation of Temasek Polytechnic interviews Singaporeans to share their experience with the supernatural. In this episode, we have Liwei from TP, Kean Seng, Jacqueline from TJC and Tiffany from TP.
Please rate and comment!

epi 1:
epi 2:

Now Ming aka Liang Da Yeah.
IVY's lookalike.
On the right.


pam, ivy, jean, celia - lawyer letter will be sent to u
this pose is copy-righted to MING (better known as liang da yeah)
as you can see it potrays a "cool", mature, friendly and witty image, liken to hongkong actor, tony leung. all rights of doing this pose belongs to liang da yeah.
permission is not granted to copy and make fun of it.
especially monchichi, u look more like u're advertising for some medicated oil.
i'm going to SHOE (sue) u!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Paranormal Investigation of Temasek Polytechnic interviews Singaporeans to share their experience with the supernatural. In this episode, we have IS from KFC, Chang from TP, Desmond from SP and Weihan from NUS.Enjoy!
Please rate and comment!

Something we dunno bout Ming's past:
1. He was fat.
2. He was in TP before us.
3. He was in TP's band.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sat, Aug 19, 2006 -- Temp_BUS_02: Shortlisted CYA Candidates for CAAS Interview
Dear Freshmen,
The TPCYA Committee would like to express our gratitude to all the applicants who have attended the Dialogue Session held from Wednesday, 16th August 2006 to Friday, 18th August 2006.
Shortlisted candidates for the CAAS interview to be held tentatively on the 22nd and 23rd of August are attached. The schedule and timeslots of the interview will be released at a later date. Do check Ole-Bb for further information.
Phua Boon Kiat & Goh Li HiangProject Co-ordinatorsTemasek Polytechnic Changi Youth Ambassadors

List of Short-listed Candidates (in no particular order)
1. Shiao Yi Yuan 0606803E
2. Wong Wil Cheong 0605190H
3. Fang Lichun 0606279H
4. Lingbaoan Lyndel Joyce Cada 0605754A
5. Sheena Goh 0606848J
6. Tiffany Goh
7. Goh Genevieve 0605491J
8. Sim Ying Ying Yolanda 0606769H
9. Tan See Jin 0605508A
10. Wong Wanru 0607617H
11. Mesy 0604410A
12. Adeline Chan 0607681D
13. Zheng Yawen Wendy 0605772C
14. Sim Yun Qian 0607936B
15. Eng Ruhan 0607072F
16. Tye Hui Chee Gladys 0607871A
17. Sim Liying(Caryn) 0604163F
18. Tan Ying Yan Monica 0604740A
19. Ngai Yu Kin 0605723F
20. Soo Hong Wen 0607549C
21. Soh Shini Serene 0606963G
22. Perlin Tay Mun Ling 0604293A
23. Ow XinHui Priscilla 0607255G
24. Goh Gui Zhen Serena 0611104A
25. Teo Pei Shi 0606854H
26. Ong Hwee Zhen 0605870E
27. Low Pio Jiao 0500357I
28. Calista Chan 0606326G
29. Maybelle Sua Hui Ping 0604238F
30. Yap Tze Lee (Melody) 0606878G
31. Nurul Huda Bte Juahil 0604309E
32. Nurkhairah Sumarto 0607878F
33. Jasmine Seah 0606910H
34. Hong Weiming Chaplin 0500325F
35. Lee JingYi Candice 0500396G
36. Lim Hui Ying 0607537H
37. Loh Wan Ping 0610647J
38. Koh Kah Wee 0604335J
39. Ang Woon Jiun 0604712J
40. Leong Ming En 0604433C
41. Liang Ruiling Joyce 0500436A
42. Krissy Seah 0607723D
43. Li Hao Ying Cheryl 0604257F
44. Kenneth Cheong Jia Wei 0607893E
45. Nicole Goh 0608569J
46. Nicole Chua 0604255J
47. Kum Hui Ting 0605988E
48. Lee Jia Zheng 0608086E
49. Tan Ying Xiu 0608009G
50. Muhammad Hidayat Bin Ishak 0606737E
51. Kamariah Abdul Rahim 0607535B
52. Liang Qingyun 0606383H
53. Jessica Wee 0607987E
54. Zou Xinni 0610408G
55. Chen Guanzou 06044871I (y his name always spelled wrongly?)
56. Tay Tjinyi Joel 0606784G
57. Jessie Chee Wei Fen 0604268C
58. Chen Mei Zhu 0608132G
59. Chiu Man Ying Jacqueline 0608158B
60. Geraldine Goh 0604496J
61. Qiu Yidong Amanda 0605916F
62. Chew Meng Yan 0607740H
63. Chen YuanZheng 0607554C
64. Sia Jia Hui Daphne 0607280E
65. Cassandra Yeo Jinping 0606125C
66. Charmaine Anne Alexander 0606253C
67. Chan Si Liang 0606070A
68. Chan Ai Ling 0605615D
69. Poh Cai Ling 0606956A
70. Tan Ying Zhu, Bernice 0605706A
71. Lim Ann Jhee Angeline 0606309C
72. Benedict Lee Yi Jiang 0604240B
73. Chew Pinn Lin Asmond 0605981J
74. Sim Siok Wei Amelia 0606950D
75. Koh Shuhan 0607954E
76. Lim Siew Kee Nicole 0604265I
77. Aaron Teo Zong Jie 0604203J
78. Tan Bee Kwoon 0607819J
79. Zhuang Huixin Linna 0500364E
80. Low Seow Hui 0606995I
81. Jacqueline Lee Xin Fang 0607577D
82. Hoh May Yin 0604153G
83. Cheo Chui Ting 0606051A
84. Lim Yi Chong 0604944I
85. Lim Sze Ching Celia 0606578C
86. Zhuang Mingfang Fiona 0606810J

Thursday, August 17, 2006

lectures can be boring

crossword puzzle

CLEO magazine

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Commskills on Thursday

Please be informed that Commskills lesson on thursday will start at 10am instead at 9am. Dont come early! =)

Monday, August 14, 2006

TPSU sub-comm camp

kekanan lurus
credits: guang's blog