Wednesday, August 30, 2006


here are some pointers:
PAM - got stretch factor, but not quite there yet
IVY - u are juz covering ur ear
JEAN - u are juz holding ur head
CELIA - u are advertising for medicated oil

how to learn:
put a stocking over ur head and pull it
remember how u look like in the mirror
practise every night before u sleep

make the final dash, guys!
RHT ---- PUI!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Outside 6-46, on the notice board.
Good Luck!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Pluto loses planet status
Posted Aug 24, 2006 at 08:30AM by Kyle M. Listed in: News, Astronomy Tags: Pluto, Neptune, The Eight, BBC, IAU, Prague
For many people it was inevitable, but we still didn't think it would have it has. 2,500 astronomers who met in Prague for the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) general assembly have demoted Pluto's planet status. Who would have thought that in your science lessons that in the future our solar system would have less planets?Rather than vote that our solar system contained 12 planets (including the discovery of 2003 UB313 by Professor Mike Brown), the IAU voted that Pluto should be demoted and that our solar system contains 8 planets. "The eight planets are Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune," said the IAU resolution, which was passed following a week of intense debate. Pluto has been considered a planet since its discovery in 1930 by the American Clyde Tombaugh, but now it appears that Pluto will have to be ripped out from school textbooks after the IAU resolution. In remembrance of the planet Pluto, here are a few facts that BBC News put together:
Named after the underworld god
Average Sun distance: 5.9bn km
Orbits Sun every 248 years
Has at least three moons
Rotates every 6.8 days
Gravity about 6% of Earth's
Surface temperature -233C
NASA probe visits in 2015

taken from

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Now i found a SiMin lookalike.
Simin is she your sister or something?


gone too soon..

first formal

and the first time we wore formal to school
and GZ din
he was so pissed with himself he threw all the cue cards on the floor

The BANQUETS we had together... and the birthdays
we celebrated......

Rmb e girl by the name of Aveline...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

week zero

remember the days..

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

intro HT grades

0604487I D+
0608132G C+
0608568B C
0607995H A
0604509J C+
0604717I C+
0606418B B
0605376C C+
0604433C C+
0604248E B
0606578C C+
0606192C C
0605419A C+
0607685E B
0607305J C+
0607696B B+
0605410J C+
0606337D B+
0611086J C
0605783J C+
0606854H C+
0606098B B
0607628E A

Monday, August 21, 2006

CAAS Interview Schedule

CAAS Interview Schedule
Date: Wednesday, 23rd August 2006
Venue: BS26-6-52,53 & 55 (Please gather at sofa area)

Teo Pei Shi 0606854H
Leong Ming En 0604433C
12.15pm (same group as h10 jacqueline)
Chen Guanzou 06044871I
Chen Mei Zhu 0608132G
Lim Sze Ching Celia 0606578C


Paranormal Investigation of Temasek Polytechnic interviews Singaporeans to share their experience with the supernatural. In this episode, we have Liwei from TP, Kean Seng, Jacqueline from TJC and Tiffany from TP.
Please rate and comment!

epi 1:
epi 2:

Now Ming aka Liang Da Yeah.
IVY's lookalike.
On the right.


pam, ivy, jean, celia - lawyer letter will be sent to u
this pose is copy-righted to MING (better known as liang da yeah)
as you can see it potrays a "cool", mature, friendly and witty image, liken to hongkong actor, tony leung. all rights of doing this pose belongs to liang da yeah.
permission is not granted to copy and make fun of it.
especially monchichi, u look more like u're advertising for some medicated oil.
i'm going to SHOE (sue) u!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Paranormal Investigation of Temasek Polytechnic interviews Singaporeans to share their experience with the supernatural. In this episode, we have IS from KFC, Chang from TP, Desmond from SP and Weihan from NUS.Enjoy!
Please rate and comment!

Something we dunno bout Ming's past:
1. He was fat.
2. He was in TP before us.
3. He was in TP's band.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sat, Aug 19, 2006 -- Temp_BUS_02: Shortlisted CYA Candidates for CAAS Interview
Dear Freshmen,
The TPCYA Committee would like to express our gratitude to all the applicants who have attended the Dialogue Session held from Wednesday, 16th August 2006 to Friday, 18th August 2006.
Shortlisted candidates for the CAAS interview to be held tentatively on the 22nd and 23rd of August are attached. The schedule and timeslots of the interview will be released at a later date. Do check Ole-Bb for further information.
Phua Boon Kiat & Goh Li HiangProject Co-ordinatorsTemasek Polytechnic Changi Youth Ambassadors

List of Short-listed Candidates (in no particular order)
1. Shiao Yi Yuan 0606803E
2. Wong Wil Cheong 0605190H
3. Fang Lichun 0606279H
4. Lingbaoan Lyndel Joyce Cada 0605754A
5. Sheena Goh 0606848J
6. Tiffany Goh
7. Goh Genevieve 0605491J
8. Sim Ying Ying Yolanda 0606769H
9. Tan See Jin 0605508A
10. Wong Wanru 0607617H
11. Mesy 0604410A
12. Adeline Chan 0607681D
13. Zheng Yawen Wendy 0605772C
14. Sim Yun Qian 0607936B
15. Eng Ruhan 0607072F
16. Tye Hui Chee Gladys 0607871A
17. Sim Liying(Caryn) 0604163F
18. Tan Ying Yan Monica 0604740A
19. Ngai Yu Kin 0605723F
20. Soo Hong Wen 0607549C
21. Soh Shini Serene 0606963G
22. Perlin Tay Mun Ling 0604293A
23. Ow XinHui Priscilla 0607255G
24. Goh Gui Zhen Serena 0611104A
25. Teo Pei Shi 0606854H
26. Ong Hwee Zhen 0605870E
27. Low Pio Jiao 0500357I
28. Calista Chan 0606326G
29. Maybelle Sua Hui Ping 0604238F
30. Yap Tze Lee (Melody) 0606878G
31. Nurul Huda Bte Juahil 0604309E
32. Nurkhairah Sumarto 0607878F
33. Jasmine Seah 0606910H
34. Hong Weiming Chaplin 0500325F
35. Lee JingYi Candice 0500396G
36. Lim Hui Ying 0607537H
37. Loh Wan Ping 0610647J
38. Koh Kah Wee 0604335J
39. Ang Woon Jiun 0604712J
40. Leong Ming En 0604433C
41. Liang Ruiling Joyce 0500436A
42. Krissy Seah 0607723D
43. Li Hao Ying Cheryl 0604257F
44. Kenneth Cheong Jia Wei 0607893E
45. Nicole Goh 0608569J
46. Nicole Chua 0604255J
47. Kum Hui Ting 0605988E
48. Lee Jia Zheng 0608086E
49. Tan Ying Xiu 0608009G
50. Muhammad Hidayat Bin Ishak 0606737E
51. Kamariah Abdul Rahim 0607535B
52. Liang Qingyun 0606383H
53. Jessica Wee 0607987E
54. Zou Xinni 0610408G
55. Chen Guanzou 06044871I (y his name always spelled wrongly?)
56. Tay Tjinyi Joel 0606784G
57. Jessie Chee Wei Fen 0604268C
58. Chen Mei Zhu 0608132G
59. Chiu Man Ying Jacqueline 0608158B
60. Geraldine Goh 0604496J
61. Qiu Yidong Amanda 0605916F
62. Chew Meng Yan 0607740H
63. Chen YuanZheng 0607554C
64. Sia Jia Hui Daphne 0607280E
65. Cassandra Yeo Jinping 0606125C
66. Charmaine Anne Alexander 0606253C
67. Chan Si Liang 0606070A
68. Chan Ai Ling 0605615D
69. Poh Cai Ling 0606956A
70. Tan Ying Zhu, Bernice 0605706A
71. Lim Ann Jhee Angeline 0606309C
72. Benedict Lee Yi Jiang 0604240B
73. Chew Pinn Lin Asmond 0605981J
74. Sim Siok Wei Amelia 0606950D
75. Koh Shuhan 0607954E
76. Lim Siew Kee Nicole 0604265I
77. Aaron Teo Zong Jie 0604203J
78. Tan Bee Kwoon 0607819J
79. Zhuang Huixin Linna 0500364E
80. Low Seow Hui 0606995I
81. Jacqueline Lee Xin Fang 0607577D
82. Hoh May Yin 0604153G
83. Cheo Chui Ting 0606051A
84. Lim Yi Chong 0604944I
85. Lim Sze Ching Celia 0606578C
86. Zhuang Mingfang Fiona 0606810J

Thursday, August 17, 2006

lectures can be boring

crossword puzzle

CLEO magazine

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Commskills on Thursday

Please be informed that Commskills lesson on thursday will start at 10am instead at 9am. Dont come early! =)

Monday, August 14, 2006

TPSU sub-comm camp

kekanan lurus
credits: guang's blog

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Commskills on monday

Hey guys!

This is the schedule for commskills consultation on monday:

1.40 - 2.00 >>> Ming, Evelyn, Yong Xian, Pei Si, Li Wei, Guo Chang

2.00 - 2.20 >>> Amanda Tan, Amanda Pang, Zi Hui, Sherlynn, Guan Zuo

2.20 - 2.40 >>> EMPTY SLOT

2.40 - 3.00 >>> Esther, Ivy, Pamala, Jean, Celia, Syahidah

3.00 - 3.20 >>> Meizhu, Catherine, Simin, Shi Qin, Farhan

The reason for the empty slot is because i cant fit any group in that slot due to the intro htm consultation session which would also be on-going from 1.00 - 3.00

Yong Xian, for Intro Htm, my group and your group has to switch consultation timings, because i really can't fit any other timings. So you guys will be meeting Mr Tai at 2.00 and my group will be meeting Mr Tai at 2.30pm

I apologise to both intro htm groups for any inconvinence caused.

If there are any problems please contact me on my handphone. thanks :)


Thursday, August 10, 2006

paranormal investigation of temasek poly

Paranormal Investigation Of Temasek Polytechnic
coming soon..

preview here:

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Terry Fox Run Notice And Holiday Plans

hey guys!!!

This is a notice to inform you guys that those who are involved in IMF you cannot sign up for the terry fox run until u have confirmed your duty. You cannot back out once signing up for it also as it does not reflect well on HTM students. I would need another list to re-confirm who is going... you may sign up as after u know your schedules (for imf participants). Thanks!!

As you guys already know, we are having a CHALET during these 7 weeks holiday break. It will be held at the end of sep - start of october. the dates are not confirmed yet. I will be passing a list of tentative dates for you to indicate which is the best date for you. ALL ARE WELCOMED And Encouraged to go! This will be someithng like a class outing. haha.

The price for the chalet should be about $15-$20 each for those who are going.
You may decide if you want to stay at a later date. However we have currently 7 confirmed staying.

Also, if there are others who are interested to go overseas together with us (Malaysia, but destination not confirmed) please give me your name and your prefered choice of destination.

Thank you 08! Good luck studying for BCS

Oh shinea BCS SUCKS~

National Day

anyone wanna go to east coast for kayaking and rollerblading tmrw?????????

then after that go see FIREWORKS !!! =D


Monday, August 07, 2006

H08 preview movie

here it is..
the long awaited preview:
this is the actual link

responsible citzen

wanna be a responsible citzen?
join the responsible citzen list, show ur love for Singapore!


can we write a petition together?
the library is full of engineer school indians at 6th floor
like little india lidat
tok tok tok laugh laugh laugh
excuse me.. this is a library!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Terry Fox Run

Hey guys!

There's a recent upcoming event known as the TERRY FOX RUN. Its a charity event organised by four seasons hotel. It would be held on 17th September 2006(Sunday) AFRTER our exams. The event is at SENTOSA. and yes we have free entrance and a five star breakfast prepared for us by four seasons hotel.

ALSO the best part is that we have SEAL points to collect if we sign up and participate. Details would be released on a later date, there would be free t-shirts and hand bands to be given out.

The job? to be road marshalls for the runners!!! Sign up now!!

p.s. go to yong xian to sign up.

if you need more details please feel free to contact me :D

jus to inform u guys, for the introHT report on sentosa,
please rmb ta do it as the format stated in the ole-bb..
attached is the link...pls remeber..
report is due on friday..please gimme asap and rmb ta remind me ta
rmb ta hand in..lolx...i dunwan the commskills incident to repeat..thks!!
econs i still not sure how many proj grps our class have..if u R not in esther,
meizhu, miing or mine grp, please get back ta me k?? i needa do the timing
for u guys..currently 1st is ming, 2nd esther, 3rd, meizhu, 4th sherlynn,
5th my grp and 6th evelyn..stil got other grp tt i have left out???