Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year

happy new year guys
hope to see u ppl in school soon!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

oh man

merry christmas everyone!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

attn: celia

cecelia.. that looks familiar

Thursday, December 14, 2006

To See a World in a Grain of Sand

It was okay when
they say they wanna put apart the differences
but they din wanna part with their polo t-shirt
cos its mass produced

It was okay when
they asked their juniors to spy on us
check on us, track us,
and report our activites to them

It was okay when
they suggested we were taking long breaks
and 2 male senior SP rovers were eating
12 december, 9 to 10pm at POPEYE restaurant

It was okay when
they say they are more serious in their work
when they are getting 2 SEAL points per duty/day
we get 5 points for 6 months - and we try our very best

It was okay when
some CSOs and SP Rovers try to boss us around
and make life difficult for us
cos we are there to serve the tourist, not them

It was okay when
we come for duty when we were having exam week, project deadlines
during public/school holidays and during TP RAWKS
'cos for passion - we were there

It is all okay
if you choose to see a world in a grain of sand
and a heaven in a wild flower
hold infinity in the palm of your hand - and eternity in an hour

$1.30: A POKKA Green Tea
$2.80: A chicken chop at BUS PARK
$6: An upsized meal at McDonalds'
2 SEAL points per duty/day + $10: An SP-CYA
A warm, friendly, passionate, intelligent, compassionate, responsive TP-CYA: priceless!

Merry Christmas
and all the best to you guys having mid-sem test this week!

the Wednesday crew
Perlin, Tiffany, Fiona, Hui Zhen, See Jin
Benedict, Hong Wen, Ming

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Basketball, Captain's Ball, Street Soccer
8-12th Jan 2007
Register outside LT 18
close on Friday 8 Dec (tomolo)

or contact via email

cepat cepat!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


i nearly got knocked down by a car AGAIN outside IT School
thats it man.. i'm gonna complain the fat bastard Road Marshal!

Monday, December 04, 2006

OTC 2006

Orientation Training Camp 2006
Selected Name List HTM 08

1) Chen Guan Zuo
2) Gui Guo Chang
3) Farhan J
4) Leong Ming En
5) Jean Tan


Friday, December 01, 2006

CDS selection

so long tis blog is so 'quiet' liao..
so i assume we can post anytin n evrytin here..
i noe u guys will noe tis alreadi but can let u noe again..
CDS selection for our junior year(2.1) will begin on the 29Dec, tym is 10am
deadline is 8Jan, 5pm..
hAben tot wat ta take for the 3rd CDS, can start tinkin..
hope mayb sum of us can get into the same class.. =)smiles..
