Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

response for actually i..

Now I can't sleep after watching Actually I...
It has send me on a path of thoughts. I was actually thinking why the male lead, Guan Zuo is such a love loser. It got me wondering if I would actually become like him, if I was blurred by love.
Actually I... is a mini production of a TP student. Although it is small, but it has some powerful scenes that would remind you of those painful love stories you wished you don't want to remember anymore.
Bad write up huh? So catch it here. And look for the 6 parts Actually I...( i think still got more coming right up after the exams. I think... I think... )
fired by bird on 2:29 AM


jean sent me this blog
said is her fren
i appreciate this kinda things
u know? u make a video and ppl feel they can relate to it

Monday, February 19, 2007


a few announcements unless u guys read the info from OlE-BB.

1. Typhoid Inoculation

Reminder to take your Typhoid Inoculation before the start of next semester.
We will then collect the photocopies of the inoculation certificates when you attend the NEA test.
If you have already been inoculated for Typhoid within the last 2 years, you need NOT go for another shot. Just bring a photocopy of the inoculation certificate on the day of your NEA Basic Food Hygiene Test.

That means it has to be done before the 5th March.timing to be confirmed again when Mr. Chia post on ole-bb.

2. Basic Food Hygenie Certifications

test is on the 5th of March 2007 and there will be 3 timings; 2.30pm, 3.45pm and 5pm
Test fee of $14 is payable to NEA when you take the test.
i needa collect the money from u guys.
i need sum info from u guys too.
pls also let me noe if u can make it on 5th mAr so i can let MR. CHia noe bout it.
look out for my email.
info on wat to study for this test, Mr.chia has put on ole-bb ppt. slides. go take a look ok??

3. uniforms

Measurement for uniforms (Service only) - HTM Students
· Date: Fri 2 March 2007
· Time: Anytime between 9am to 1pm
· Venue: BS26-5-06 (AVA Room)

Service Uniforms

1. Black Pants, Polyester/Poplin $25.00/pc
2. Long Sleeved Shirt, $16.00/pc
Tetoron/Cotton Oxford
3. Long Bib Apron, Black $7.00/pc
Total $48.00/per set

Black Tie $7.00/pc

Waiter’s Corkscrew $15.00

Nametag $4.20

Total Amount to bring: $74.20

All HTM students are required to purchase 1 set of service uniforms, nametag and Waiter's Corkscrew.
i need u guys to gimme the preferred name tt u want to have on the nametag.
n i need u guys to gimme $4.20 too. cuz it was mentioned i needa give both namelist n money together. i'm tinkin if u guys wana go back together??

Sunday, February 18, 2007

tag board

can someone create a tag board for the angel & mortal game?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

H08 Angel Mortal Game

hello guys and girls
we've set up an Angel-Mortal Game
to create some beautiful memories
before we split for the next semester

everyone has a partner for the game
if you have no knowledge till now,
you can contact MING at

everyone is a mortal and an angel at the same time
the name on the slip of paper indicates the name of your MORTAL
everyone has no knowledge to who his/her angel is
this is the fun part of the game
1) angels may write letters to their mortals (through ming)
2) mortals may reply their angel's letters (through ming)
3) angels/mortals may give each other gifts
4) angels are to try to conceal their identity to their very best
5) letters will be given to mortals on the next working day

1) if you hate your mortal to the max, you may choose to ignore that person
so by the end of the sem, that person knows how much u hate him/her
2) you MAY try to create confusion by writing to other mortals
3) writing letters/notes and sending gifts are not oligated. if u do not receive anything, you are not to blame your angel or ming
4) seal your letters! you do not blame ming if he accidentally sees the content
5) guanzuo is not to assault evelyn's angel (if it was not him)
6) have fun

catherine said that we will be having our exams and holidays
so no chance to play the game
so perhaps we'll bring it to an online forum

happy valentine's day

hello children
happy valentine's day to u

have fun to those who have a date
and please remember
if u can't be good
be safe
use protection

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

ANSWERS TO TUTORIAL WEEK 13(International Trade) Q2

a) Tariffs, "quantitative restrictions" or quotas and cumbersome inmport procedures that restrict trade.

b) Infant industries that are protected often fail to grow up anf therfore need to be protected indefinitely e.g. Bangadesh film industry.

c) Free trade allows the developing country to mass produce and beefit from economics of scale.

d) No; this is because the moment protection is removed, jobs will be lost because the industries protected cannot compete with foreign imports.

e) Gainers: producers and employees of protected industries (higher prices and profit; higher wages and job security"). Losers: consumers (limited choice and higher prices for relatively inferior quality products).

f) With protectionism, the benefits of free trade are lost: greater product choice, improved quality and lower prices. Also lost are thebenefits of free trade on the domestic economy: free trade encourages price competition that forces cost and management efficiency, thus raising productivity; free trade creats vast markets and procides market access for domestic firms and allows economies of scale; in short, free trade stimulates the coutnry's economic growth.

Friday, February 09, 2007

cs grp/ h08 guys

So sorry
It was a personal decision to not do commskills werk. But of cuz it has big implications on u guys. But I do appreciate u guys’ efforts to ask me not to do my werk but juz be present at the class jus to do the meeting role play. Thks guys. Despite so, I’m feeling very very guilty. I just wished I can run away. Sumwhere I dun have to face u guys.
So soory.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Calling all freshmen from HTM, LRM and CCM! Here’s a chance for you to do some charity work!

What is it?
Project Rainbow is an annual project that sees volunteers helping residents of one-room HDB flats spring clean their homes along with a fresh coat of paint for the coming Chinese New Year.

How can I help?
Sponsors have been found for the paint and painting materials but the most important “ingredient” missing is YOU!

When and where is it?
Project Rainbow will be held at the MacPherson/Beach Road area on:
11 Feb 2007, Sunday
9.00 am – 5.00 pm

I wanna sign up! I need more details! Who do I contact?
Ms Selene Goh

jean + ivy (especially jean)
stop scaring ppl at night

ni zhi dao jiu hao!