Sunday, April 30, 2006

BCS proj.

Advanced Web Searches
by Phyllis Chong - Thursday, 27 April 2006, 03:36 PM

With millions of sites on the Internet, finding useful information can be daunting. Knowing how to use search engines effectively is therefore an important skill to make searching easier.
Each team member is to conduct a search for budget accommodation in Bangkok that is near the sub-way station using different search engines and processes. You can use the search engines' Advanced Search option, use Boolean search terms (i.e. AND, OR, NOT) in your searches or use subject directories.
Record your results along with your search queries. Compare your search methods and discuss your results in this forum. Questions to explore are:
1) Were the results the same for different search engines and methods? What are the differences?
2) Which is the best method to use and why?
3) Which methods were used to narrow down choices?
Summarise your findings in a 1-page report and submit it in the assignment link for "Advanced Web Searches".

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