Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hello O8

08 OIE!!!!!!!

haha :D

This is Evelyn, would like to inform u guys that there wont be a class bbq le this holiday.. simply NO time.. and no place to host it. So.. we shall leave the best for the last.. We'll push our chalet to the September holidays!!! :D

Please keep your days available for class chalet kz?

ask u ahz.. do i stress u guys out? why everyone say i stress them out?? :(



IanX said...

nope..i feel okie leh...haha...mayb i too slack liao...lol...yup, leaving my days open for chalet!!yay!!

fan-jay said...

aiya.. i feel tt its good tt u're stressing us eve!! lols. or else we'll be like tt day.... KTV MODE!!
so...keep doin wat u do EVE!!lols woot* =)

MING - a gentle wind said...

HUH? no chalet? no BBQ?

PeiShi_Apo said...

No chalet?!!!! I M SO SAD!!! sob...