Saturday, June 24, 2006

A number of you have asked me about CSS and Javascript Behaviours. Hence, I thought it would be useful to highlight the following to you:
Javascript Behaviours1) Standard Javascript Behaviours are provided in Dreamweaver. These are the ones that we have shown you in class. They include:
Pop-up message box
Roll-over swap images
Forms validation
Status-bar message
Jump menus
2) You can find notes on how to create Javascript Behaviours under Block 1 (Practical Lab Lessons) in VBUS or you can click on to access the notes.
3) You do not need to know Javascript to include Behaviours in your website. The Behaviours have been created and made available in Dreamweaver for your use. The reason why they are called Javascript Behaviours is because they are coded using Javascript.
4) If you want to use other Behaviours not available in Dreamweaver, you can search the Internet for open source Javascript codes and incorporate them into your website as instructed.
5) You MUST include at least 2 types of Behaviours for your website.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)1) You MUST use some form of CSS in your website.
2) You can use CSS for creating styles for 2 purposes:
for achieving consistency in your web pages
for enhancing the look and feel of your web pages
3) To achieve consistency in your web pages, please export the styles you have created into a CSS style file and import the CSS style file into other web pages to achieve a consistent look and feel.
Dress Code for PresentationYou are free to dress either formally or in smart casual for your presentation next week.


MING - a gentle wind said...

hail queen phyllis

DestinyS said...

so dress smart casual mojority?