Thursday, July 20, 2006

IMF personel ALERT

CHEN GUANZOO have been assigned to attend GEMS Training on 29 & 30 Jul. Please check your school email account for more information.

and fellow IMF-ers
please go to
to fill up all three forms
1) consent form
2) emergency contact list
3) confidential medical form


IanX said...

well..dun mind me bein sarca..street directory oso bu hui bei che zhuang..themedical part quite useless thou..

pRiSciLLa said...

yay! im in imf also. hopefully get to see you guys. anyway you all look so smart in business wear. (:

IanX said...

sadly prisc, not all in la..lolx..e.g me not in..lolx..
anywae sure beri fun..where's the toilet, where's tis place......

MING - a gentle wind said...

xian.. ni zai jiang shen me? priss, see u there. muahahhaa!

IanX said...

in simple terms, street directory..hehe..