Saturday, August 12, 2006

Commskills on monday

Hey guys!

This is the schedule for commskills consultation on monday:

1.40 - 2.00 >>> Ming, Evelyn, Yong Xian, Pei Si, Li Wei, Guo Chang

2.00 - 2.20 >>> Amanda Tan, Amanda Pang, Zi Hui, Sherlynn, Guan Zuo

2.20 - 2.40 >>> EMPTY SLOT

2.40 - 3.00 >>> Esther, Ivy, Pamala, Jean, Celia, Syahidah

3.00 - 3.20 >>> Meizhu, Catherine, Simin, Shi Qin, Farhan

The reason for the empty slot is because i cant fit any group in that slot due to the intro htm consultation session which would also be on-going from 1.00 - 3.00

Yong Xian, for Intro Htm, my group and your group has to switch consultation timings, because i really can't fit any other timings. So you guys will be meeting Mr Tai at 2.00 and my group will be meeting Mr Tai at 2.30pm

I apologise to both intro htm groups for any inconvinence caused.

If there are any problems please contact me on my handphone. thanks :)
