Tuesday, August 01, 2006

jus to inform u guys, for the introHT report on sentosa,
please rmb ta do it as the format stated in the ole-bb..
attached is the link...pls remeber..
report is due on friday..please gimme asap and rmb ta remind me ta
rmb ta hand in..lolx...i dunwan the commskills incident to repeat..thks!!
econs i still not sure how many proj grps our class have..if u R not in esther,
meizhu, miing or mine grp, please get back ta me k?? i needa do the timing
for u guys..currently 1st is ming, 2nd esther, 3rd, meizhu, 4th sherlynn,
5th my grp and 6th evelyn..stil got other grp tt i have left out???


MING - a gentle wind said...

wat timing u tokin about?

DestinyS said...

econs Q & A