Friday, February 09, 2007

cs grp/ h08 guys

So sorry
It was a personal decision to not do commskills werk. But of cuz it has big implications on u guys. But I do appreciate u guys’ efforts to ask me not to do my werk but juz be present at the class jus to do the meeting role play. Thks guys. Despite so, I’m feeling very very guilty. I just wished I can run away. Sumwhere I dun have to face u guys.
So soory.


MING - a gentle wind said...

dun be siao

IanX said...

nah, not siao..feel so i wanted to go off after mktg lec n dun do anytin for CS..arggh..guilty sinner..i noe ta sum extent u loathe free 2, but i becum 1 anywae..

fan-jay said...

haha. i think im 184776432910849 times worse than u.
i feel like commiting suicide.

IanX said...

u did sumtin for goodness sake. u guys shared my part, rmb fanJ??
thks anywae, reali!