Wednesday, April 26, 2006

i seem to enjoy being in 1H08

hmmm. when i first got to know tat im in 08.
i was like... huh....!
cos i oni know farhan. hmm.
but starting from first 2 days we already can get along so well. i love 08 now. serious. ok.
we may not be united to that kinda extend. like very very united.
do silly things oso together.
cos maybe some in class cant stand silly things. but at least majority still ok with it ba..
compare to other classes in tp. i kinda tink we ARE united n FUN!.but u see.
we 24 peeps hang ard oso cant find place to do so lor. hmm...
im so lookin forward to friday. going to ming's hse. playing basketball. watching dvd. n cookin + eating = yumMy!!
hope most of us will be there. we will right? those who squeezed in the project room 10 today. =))
i love 1H08. but... soon, soon, soon, after one sem, we'll be separated le. but promise tat we will still go out for meals together k?
i really hope so....


MING - a gentle wind said...

we love u too, jean

charmystique said...

how guys have a class blog or something?!?
sweeet!!^^ a fellow biz student..
'cept that im a mass commer!
somebody from here tagged my board and left a link so i just came to check this out..((:

MING - a gentle wind said...

dat would be me