Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Christmas Came Early This Year

yay!! santa claus is coming to town

Happy Birthday Evelyn

Happy Birthday Evelyn

Celia made balloon flowers for Eve

Jean bought the cake and chang's errmmm.. leftover cup cake?

The guys and Evelyn

Happy Birthday Girl

Eve and the H08 beauties

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Specially For Evelynn - our birthday baby

above is a birthday song specially for u. no one's birthday song has ever been so duah pai to go on youtube ok? no we din forget ur birthday!
below we dedicated two songs for u. do watch it!
performed by ming, jean, pamela, celia and yong xian

[Guan Huai Fang Shi]

[Qian Nian Zhi Lian]

we love u eve.. muah muah muah!

30 may 2006 - a day in school

ming's huge DELL laptop shows its male aggression to its female counterpart (jean's ASUS)

guo chang impressed wit ming's excellent dress sense

tan kim hock describes how chio phyllis chong is

emiko 777, no eating in class!
or is she imitating jean biting fingernails

aunty jean and her bag of groceries from the market

ming demonstates a death defying nose piercing with his pilot g-tec

chang chang.. never mind.. still dreaming

BCS - focus and organise

focus and organise in action..

Monday, May 29, 2006

BCS - No lectures next week (22-26 May)

No lectures next week (22-26 May) - discuss E-Commerce research assignment
by Phyllis Chong - Friday, 19 May 2006, 11:38 PM

As stated in your BCS syllabus and lesson schedule, there will be no face-to-face lecture next week (week 5 - 22-26 May). Instead, you will research on e-commerce websites for the question posted in the VBUS forum at block 6 labeled “Week 5 (e-learning): E-Commerce”. Please discuss your findings with your group members online in the forum, summarise your findings into a report and assign one member to submit your report in the link provided by 3 Jun (Sat). You will be asked to present your findings during your tutorial in week 6 (29 May – 2 Jun).
The objectives of the online assignment are to help you discover:1) different e-commerce websites2) features of e-commerce websites3) ways to develop and manage customer relationships4) critical factors for a website to be successful5) differences between an online store and a physical brick-and-mortar store and their advantages and disadvantages
Many of you have done well for the previous online assignments for the topic on Internet and WWW! Do keep up the good work for this research assignment! I’m sure you’ll experience the joy of discovering new things through your research!


I would like to clarify that the due date for the Dreamweaver web project is 26 Jun (Mon) at 9am (first thing in the morning of the first day of the new term). This allows you to work on your project over the term break if you need to. However, you are strongly encouraged to submit your project earlier, during the term break, to avoid last minute rush. Please note that late submissions will not be graded.
Please submit your website and Powerpoint presentation slides in a CD-ROM to your tutors. Write the following on your CD casing:
BCS Webpage Project
AY 2006/07 Apr Sem
Tutor’s name
Names & Admin number of members
BCS class code
The file name for the home page of your website
Groups from Ms Susie Tan and Mrs Angeline Khoo' classes can submit your project to Ms Phyllis Chong.
You will be required to present your project during tutorial in the first week of the new term.

google earth

no price for guessing where this is..

Saturday, May 27, 2006

oh n the BCS discussion, pls oso do k....

hey all...pls rmb to check the exam is:
commskills grping pls get back to me asap.....
class ccn day, well i tink we didn't fare too bad oso....(hope
wat ah jean says is true)
n oh,pls rmb to do BCS WWWII quiz...deadline:28th,11:59pm
esp Celia....
Monday deadline for Mr.Tai's FILA chart, pls rmb oso...
tis monday oso no APEL lesson,so sch ends at 3PM!!
tt's all folks!!

for entertainment purposes only.

enjoy! :)

BCS discussion

Visit 2 e-commerce websites of different industries. You may be asked to register as a user. Familiarise yourself with the products and services provided at each site and work through an e-commerce process but do not complete the transaction if you have no intention of buying.

(1) For each of the website:
a) Describe:
- Who are the target customers?
- What types of products and services do they provide?
b) Describe at least 3 features found in each website. (e.g. online catalog, shopping cart, payment gateway, etc)
c) Describe how these websites develop and manage customer relationships.

(2) Compare the websites that you have selected and highlight the similarities and differences in terms of:
a) suitability of products and services for e-commerce
b) quality of customer service provided
c) security and privacy policies

(3) Identify the advantages and disadvantages of having e-commerce as compared to traditional mode of business for (i) the company and (ii) the customers.

Discuss the above questions with your group members in the online forum and
- present your findings during Week 6's (29 May to 2 Jun) tutorial using powerpoint
- finalise and submit a report in the assignment links provided by 3 Jun 2006 11:55pm

BCS lecture notes

BCS - Week 6 and 10 Lecture Notes
ready for download at vbus

Friday, May 26, 2006

TP CCN DAY - mingen version

yong xian trying to sell chockers to his fren
"lai ah lai ah.. lao ban.."

the counter ladies
(foreground) pam, jean, ivy
the balloon ladies
(background) peishi and celia

SL Aunties Priss and Aggy help to model model a bit too

guys also got do work ok?
me try to sell something to guan zuo

fatty wesley making us a mocktail

shake shake shake shake kuchita!

cool guy ming and mr rabbit chang

very dumb
me, meizhu, catherine, SQ and simin went second floor got this "haunted house"
we have to bring a digital camera in to take a photo of the man in mask
amongst the ghost
then we went in the classroom maze to walk
inside this section got this girl in white
acting as a ghost waiting for ppl to walk pass daydreaming
so i stand in front of her
and she got a shock and screamed
dumb dumb
very funny.. but like wasted $2
haha.. for charity la.

A Day In BCS Lab

Beautiful Princess Hui Hui admires her pretty pictures on the internet

Queen Phyllis stops her!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

CCN day wear htm polo tee pls?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

term test timetable out...pls refer to

Monday, May 22, 2006

heh... kinda bored

my pet!

this is my pet
hhaha.. tamade
i'm so bored.

try this

quite accurate

where the bloody hell are you?

where the bloody hell are u?
guys.. all go straight home after school.
pack up.. cos we're going to australia!
see u guys at the airport!

hope tis tym words are more visible...anywae hope u guys can gimme the RHT groupings plus the topic ur grp's doin by tues 2pm...b4 the tutorial....thks arhz....

Sunday, May 21, 2006

omg so funny!

noticed this australia tourism ad on tv every now and then
wit beautiful scenes of australia and ppl saying
"dinner's about to be served" "taxi's waiting" "we got the roos on the greens".. etc
and it ends wit a blonde bikini girl saying
"so where the bloody hell are u?"
loved that ad

there's a super funny parody online
laugh till my stitch hurts
check it out!

yoz..haha..finali..sua gu class rep is in..anywae i tink most prob
i should be lyk using tis to pass info lyk make up class etc la..h08 oi !


Saturday, May 20, 2006

i'm back

finally i'm home
MC will be covered till 24th
sure cannot catch up wit school work

but at least
no more listening to coughing, vomitting, zombies moaning
watching ppl pee blood, shit on their bed, ppl shitting in their pants

feels good to be home
special thanx to everyone who showed their care and concern
realli appreciated it
very touched
see u all next wednesday with more
focused and organised action

Friday, May 19, 2006

Class June Holiday Plans

Class, this is a follow up from the previous entry about the class chalet. We may not be able to get a class chalet (too late le..mostly fully booked) but we can still organise a class bbq! :D

Can i have ur responses also? thanks


our poor poor poor thing leong ming en!
readin the card from those who went to the hosp.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Hey ppl, this is the second time I'm posting this on the class blog. Please let me know if u guys want a class chalet during the early part of the first week of the june holidays (its a two weeks break).

We would most probably be booking an Aloha Loyang chalet at Pasir Ris due to limited capital reasons :D (Li Wei please help to check if your friend could help us do the booking.. than got discount also)

It would most probably be either a 3 days 2 nights or 4 days 3 nights. Whether there are still chalets available also is a problem. so I would really need a definite answer from you guys.. WANT OR DUN WANT?

JUNE HOLIDAYS CLASS CHALET. do reply. Thanks.. either post comments here or inform me or pei shi kz? thanks! :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

focus and organise

ming's group for BCS
esther, catherine, simin, guo chang
please meet up outside LT 19 at 10am sharp tomolo

dear evelynn

hope she enjoyed her first time..

to order contact mi(simin) =)

collection of the ice cream is on 26th may during CCn period...
pls pass the money to mi by this thurs (16th may)if u ordered any...

thkx lots!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Chang Chang and Kelly Poon

happy man chang chang and his dream girl
click above for image

Sunday, May 14, 2006

century square jack's place

century square jack's place is damn eff-ed up
i brought my mum there
and it was an upsetting experience

qu si ba! jack's place
so disappointed!

do not visit!
i juz lodged a complaint email!
si ya tou!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

sentosa on vesak day

the SHUAI-GEs - ming and oyster chen

we found a mermaid!
wear bikini one.

love this pic..
so much sun, so much fun

click here for image
all nicely tanned
then guan zuo try to be naughty wit kelly

dear yuting,
please send us a photo of yourself with a smiling face so we can beautify this blog.

HTM's very own F.I.R.
guitar - guan zuo
vocals - chang jin, selene goh and fei-er
keyboards - ming

Friday, May 12, 2006


Check this out!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


ORH!!!! peisi's boyfren is colin (left)!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

safra tampines

thanx everyone for going safra for karaoke at jbox yesterday
guan zuo, yong xian, meizhu and catherine
and thank myself also
it was so super super super fun and high
lets go again some other time

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

arsenal VS man u

arsenal will face manchester united at temasek polytechnic


i remember someone say this "hitler" guy disturb her on vbus. if i'm not wrong liwei is it? i think that person is online now.. lets disturb him.


Monday, May 08, 2006

stupid quiz

hahha... i am a Careful Goldfish

Sunday, May 07, 2006

hey ppl.
add wesley. our fa for kuchita for htm orientation.
cos he wanna organise outings uh. add on msn.

Friday, May 05, 2006

APEL personality test

there's an APEL personality test to be completed
compulsory and necessary in order to clear the subject, APEL 1

but we need our matric card number to enter

phyllis chong

i messaged our BCS teacher on vbus which textbook to bring next lesson. here's the reply..

Phyllis Chong [Fri, 18:10]: Ming En, pls bring the "Technology in Action" book and your Dreamweaver book. The Excel book is for our lab lesson in term 2.
Phyllis Chong [Fri, 18:14]: Btw, I would prefer to talk to Ming En rather than the Korean star Baey .... (see, I cannot even remember his name). Pls upload your own photo, can?


making their wishes....
blow the candles out! er celia. u suppose to blow... lol.
yeah! cake cutting = we can eat cake le....
*whispers whispers* eh dun so bad lei. wad u'll say to the cake. tell us too uh!!

esther look so happy cutting the cake...
syahidah distributing the cake for us....
THE CAKE. looks as if an earthquake jus happened. haha.
ivy, with her manicured nails, sneezing. while the others waiting patiently for THE CAKE...
syahidah is so hungry that she's eating her own hand. haha...
hmmm... nice mango cake... look at their faces. must be enjoying it.