Friday, May 26, 2006

TP CCN DAY - mingen version

yong xian trying to sell chockers to his fren
"lai ah lai ah.. lao ban.."

the counter ladies
(foreground) pam, jean, ivy
the balloon ladies
(background) peishi and celia

SL Aunties Priss and Aggy help to model model a bit too

guys also got do work ok?
me try to sell something to guan zuo

fatty wesley making us a mocktail

shake shake shake shake kuchita!

cool guy ming and mr rabbit chang

very dumb
me, meizhu, catherine, SQ and simin went second floor got this "haunted house"
we have to bring a digital camera in to take a photo of the man in mask
amongst the ghost
then we went in the classroom maze to walk
inside this section got this girl in white
acting as a ghost waiting for ppl to walk pass daydreaming
so i stand in front of her
and she got a shock and screamed
dumb dumb
very funny.. but like wasted $2
haha.. for charity la.

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