Monday, May 29, 2006

BCS - No lectures next week (22-26 May)

No lectures next week (22-26 May) - discuss E-Commerce research assignment
by Phyllis Chong - Friday, 19 May 2006, 11:38 PM

As stated in your BCS syllabus and lesson schedule, there will be no face-to-face lecture next week (week 5 - 22-26 May). Instead, you will research on e-commerce websites for the question posted in the VBUS forum at block 6 labeled “Week 5 (e-learning): E-Commerce”. Please discuss your findings with your group members online in the forum, summarise your findings into a report and assign one member to submit your report in the link provided by 3 Jun (Sat). You will be asked to present your findings during your tutorial in week 6 (29 May – 2 Jun).
The objectives of the online assignment are to help you discover:1) different e-commerce websites2) features of e-commerce websites3) ways to develop and manage customer relationships4) critical factors for a website to be successful5) differences between an online store and a physical brick-and-mortar store and their advantages and disadvantages
Many of you have done well for the previous online assignments for the topic on Internet and WWW! Do keep up the good work for this research assignment! I’m sure you’ll experience the joy of discovering new things through your research!


I would like to clarify that the due date for the Dreamweaver web project is 26 Jun (Mon) at 9am (first thing in the morning of the first day of the new term). This allows you to work on your project over the term break if you need to. However, you are strongly encouraged to submit your project earlier, during the term break, to avoid last minute rush. Please note that late submissions will not be graded.
Please submit your website and Powerpoint presentation slides in a CD-ROM to your tutors. Write the following on your CD casing:
BCS Webpage Project
AY 2006/07 Apr Sem
Tutor’s name
Names & Admin number of members
BCS class code
The file name for the home page of your website
Groups from Ms Susie Tan and Mrs Angeline Khoo' classes can submit your project to Ms Phyllis Chong.
You will be required to present your project during tutorial in the first week of the new term.

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